
The sweetest and most delicious pan liver from "So Good"

  • 2 years ago
  • Posted By : Blogger SEO

"So Good" offers you the finest types of American liver with the distinctive touch of paneer cutting and under the close supervision of the experience of quality engineers. The liver can be prepared in more than one way, including grilling or paneer..and to make paneer liver..

½ kilo of sliced ​​liver
Salt and black pepper
 Liver spices as desired
5 garlic cloves
2 eggs
3 tablespoons of vinegar
3 tablespoons of lemon juice
rusk or vegitar
Vegetable oil
How to prepare

We prepare a pot of water and add vinegar until it boils. We put the liver in it for 3 minutes to sterilize, and we immediately remove it in the urine to prepare the seasoning.
We mix garlic, lemon, cumin, salt and pepper in the kibbeh, and you can horn pepper as desired.
Pour the mixture over the liver slices and leave them for a quarter of an hour in the marinade.
The egg mixture is prepared with a little milk and a pinch of salt and pepper. The liver slices are cut in flour first, then in the egg and milk mixture, then covered with breadcrumbs.
Fry the liver slices in vegetable oil to take on a distinctive golden color and serve hot with green salad or tahini.